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Our prices include:

All our surgeries are performed exclusively at the Puerta de Hierro Andares Hospital.

The Puerta de Hierro Hospital is characterized by having a great medical infrastructure and all the services and technology necessary to perform your surgery with the greatest safety. In addition, it is located in one of the most attractive areas of the city.


Your surgery package includes:

-Two nights of hospitalization (if required). 

-Use of operating room and surgical equipment necessary to perform your surgery. 

-Nursing service and assistance 24 hours during your stay.

-Medical staff fees.

-Medications used during your hospitalization, related to the procedure.

-Recovery kit and medications.



Nombramiento del doctor '

Pre-anesthesia evaluation

Prior to your surgery you will be assessed by one of our specialists in anesthesiology to verify that you are in the best conditions to be operated.


pre-operative evaluation

Dr. Jesús Báez will evaluate you prior to your surgery to better understand your concerns. 

Part of the assessments consists of questionnaires, photo review, facial analysis and simulation of results. Tomography review before your surgery for proper surgical planning.

Formulario de enfermería

Follow up

Once your surgery is finished, we will be monitoring your recovery by Dr. Jesús Báez's team.

In addition, all the evaluations or video calls that you require after your surgery are included.

Prices are in mexican pesos (MXN)


10% discount OFF from the total, when 2 or more procedures performed.


Payment method:

Wire transfer

Credit and debit cards


Cash (MXN)

​Facial plastic surgery.

Buccal fat pad removal------------20,000°°

Superior blepharoplasty------------35,000°°

Inferior blepharoplasty-------------35,000°°

Chin implant..............--------------27,000°°

Eyebrow lifting-------------------27,000°°

Frontal open lifting---------------60,000°°

Neck and face lifting--------------90,100°°

Lip Lift---------------.-------- -27,000°°

Neck liposuction-----..-----------20,000°°

Minilift ..........--------------------60,000°°



Nasal Surgery.​​

Inferior turbinate reduction--------20,000°°

Primary Rhinoplasty--------------85,000°°

Secondary Rhinoplasty---------starts at 110,000°°

Functional septoplasty------------56,000°°


Facial Feminization Surgery.


Frontoplasty type 2--------------190,000°°

Frontoplasty type 3--------------220,000°°

Hairline Advancement------------70,000°°

Feminization rhinoplasty-----------100,000°°

Thyroid chondroplasty (tracheal shave)-60,000°°

Mandibular and chin feminization----starts at 40,000°°





Primary Rhinoplasty Agenda for 2025 is open!

Only 1 place per month with discount in YEAR 2025.


Select your discount below, pay 20,000°°mxn deposit and save your surgery with discount for 2025.


Rhinoplasty regular cost: $85,000°°MXN


Only for primary rhinoplasty.


We will contact you afterwards with more information, and for scheduling a videocall appointment with Dr. Báez-Márquez.


*Final payment in cash in front desk.


Need help? contact us: whatsapp 33 1272 6737

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 DIRECCIÓN: Centro Médico Puerta de Hierro Andares.

Avenida Empresarios #150, Torre Elite piso 23 consultorio 2305.

Zapopan, Jalisco, México.

Citas Doctoralia Call Center: 33 2101 2612

 TELÉFONO : 33-3848-5579. (89)

WHATSAPP: 33-1272-6737


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Dr. Jesús Báez Márquez. DGP Universidad de Guadalajara: 6272585; DGP Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: 7318858

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